Zoom to Address

Enter an address into the Zoom to Address window to zoom the map to a general area around that address.

For best results enter a complete street address      including street number, street name, street type, City/Town, State and Zipcode. The Zoom to address tool may also work for incomplete or generalized address information such as street intersections and place names.

After the address has been entered into the window, click the      button to zoom the map to that address. A graphic markershould appear on the map indicating the approximate location of the address.

You may use the map tools (outlined below) at any time, to refine the map display by zooming the map in or out or pannning the map to your well location.

Map Tools

The map tools allow you to navigate the map or get information on arsenic and uranium probability for a selected location in Massachusetts.

Note: A grey box with a solid black outline surrounding the tool icon     indicates that the tool is active. Only one tool can be active at a time.

Zoom in Select the Zoom in tool to zoom the map in to a larger scale. You can either click on a single spot on the map to zoom in one zoom level or zoom to a general area by clicking and dragging the cursor to create a selection box around your area of interest. Since the map uses preset zoom levels the resulting extent will be the closest preset zoom level to your chosen area. The Zoom in tool automatically recenters the map display on the selected point or the center of the selection box.
Zoom out Click the Zoom out tool to zoom the map out.
Pan map Select the Pan map tool, then click and drag the map to move around (pan) on the map in any direction.
Zoom to full extent Click the Zoom to full extent tool to zoom the map out to the maximum extent. This will return the map display to the default extent of the State of Massachusetts.
Information Select the Information tool and then click on the map to display information about the probability of arsenic and uranium at the selected location. The information will be displayed in a popup window within the map.
Go to previous extent Click the Go to previous extent tool to return the map back to a previously viewed map extent.
Go to next extent Click the Go to next extent tool to zoom the map forward if you had previously used the Go to previous extent tool to zoom back.

Select Base Map

This map contains three base map options.    You may change the base map at any time by selecting another option. Street Map and Satellite images provided by Google are available for all zoom levels. The Google Terrain Map does not support all zoom levels and can not be viewed at the map's maximum resolution. If you are using the Google Terrain map and wish to zoom the map in to the maximum resolution you will need to choose another base map option.