This online mapping tool is intended to compliment the
USGS Scientific Investigations Report (SIR) 2011-5013, Arsenic and Uranium in Water from Private Wells Completed in Bedrock of East-Central
Massachusetts: Concentrations, Correlations with Bedrock Units, and Estimated Probability Maps.
That report presents the results of a statistical study of bedrock water quality based primarily on 478 samples from private wells. This is a relatively
small number of samples for such a large and diverse study area. The confidence intervals around probabilities used here are broad. Users are
urged to carefully read the original report.
The geologic mapping data used for this study and underlying this mapping tool was developed at a scale of 1:250,000 or about 4 miles per inch. Because this tool
allows the map to be zoomed to a much larger scale than the underlying bedrock geology data as well as the wide confidence intervals in the statistical analysis, users
should interpret the information provided only as a general indicator of expected water quality. The only way to be sure of the quality of water in any given well is to have that water tested.
MassDEP and MDPH recommend that all private well owners test their wells. For recommended water quality parameters, refer to the MassDEP
Private Well Guidelines or contact the MassDEP Drinking Water Program.